written by American HouseCleaning

A professional cleaning service is always a welcome help for any busy home-owner.  Instead of having to do all the mopping, floor polishing and vacuum cleaning, homeowners can hire a company to do it and have it professionally done.  But, before the service arrives, a house cleaning company from Santa Clara, CA, advises that the home owner still do some preliminary work.  

cleaning supplies

Here are three things you should do before a cleaning service arrives:

  1. Clean up clutter and organize your stuff.  Your cleaning service is there to clean your house – not to fix up the mess. You hire a cleaning company to use tools like a vacuum cleaner, floor polishers, detergents and deodorants to get the job done.  However, if your house is filled with clutter it will hinder the cleaning staff’s ability to do a good job.  Remember too that a cleaning service may take a bit longer to clean your house if your clutter is all over the place. Just imagine what the cleaning company would have to “navigate” through to let its cleaning equipment pass through. So, spend some time fixing up your clutter before the cleaning company comes.
  2. Talk to your cleaning company regarding any special request you may have.  House cleaning companies are not a “one-size-fits-all” undertaking.  Not all houses will have the same cleaning requirements.  Your curtains, for example, may be made of special material and may be sensitive to certain kinds of detergent.  Or you may have special carpets or rugs that need a different kind of cleaning.  You must relay your concerns to the cleaning service so that they can bring the appropriate equipment and cleaning chemicals to fit your needs.
  3. Give specific instructions regarding keys, safety alarms, access codes and pets.  Your cleaning service company will be part of your household for the time it takes to complete their work. They should be given free access to your residence so that they can work efficiently and with a minimum of hassle.  (Of course, you have to take precautionary measures to keep your valuables safe.)        

Thus, to get the most from your cleaning service, American Home Cleaning, a house cleaning company from Santa Clara, CA advises that you do your homework:  Organize your things. Communicate your instructions (and any particular requirements) to the company. And give them easy access to the rooms in your house.   

To book an appointment with us please contact us today at




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